Keep it fresh
Peixateries Velles
“Fish – fresh from the sea”. Nowadays, fish lovers can have it all. But back in the day, things didn’t always go so smoothly in the world of fish. Let’s just say it was a far cry from today’s methods of keeping things fresh! Fish sellers could only salt, dry or smoke their fish to preserve it. Problems with food preservation also meant that fish markets really didn’t smell great at all – and that’s why you’ll often find that butcheries tended to be located by the rivers. Casting the waste into the water before it rotted was a simple and effective way to maintain some semblance of hygiene standards – and it helped to get rid of the notoriously pungent stench of fish. You are now standing in the exact spot where the old fish market used to be. Hopefully, the smell of rotting fish has long gone – if not, apologies!
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