Light and shadow
Salome with the head of John the Baptist
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio – known as Caravaggio – is one of the most famous and controversial painters in art. He created his own style, focusing on psychological intensity, realism and a dramatic contrast between light and shadow. The latter was extremely valuable to the Counter Reformation, who aimed to promote dramatic religious scenes in opposition to Protestant artworks. As well as being a famous artist, Caravaggio also developed a reputation as something of a thug, engaging in fights and drinking more than he should. This meant he ended up in trouble with the Roman mafia and had to flee to Naples. He continued painting and getting involved in problems, as he did during his stays in Malta and Sicily. His death is full of mystery: he set sail to Rome in 1610, but he never reached the city and his body wasn’t recovered. Many centuries later, a body matching his characteristics was found in Porto Ércole. That person had died of a staphylococcus infection.
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