The Treasury of the Siphnians
The Treasury of the Siphnians
The treasuries were small temple-like buildings erected to host the important offerings and sacred objects of the polis or city-state. They were not temples, they did not house golden statues. They were sacred because they contained Gods' property. Most of them were beautiful structures standing on high platforms with solid walls, no windows, but with impressive decorations. Delphi and Olympia are the only two sites where treasures have been identified. There are almost 30 buildings that could have served as treasuries in Delphi. The Siphnian Treasury is an impressive small building in ionic order adorned with rich decorations comparable to those in Delphi with multiple themes, ripples and impressive reliefs. It was constructed of marble from the Cyclades in 525 BC. Instead of columns in the facade, there were two Caryatids. The frieze was 30 meters long decorated with reliefs depicting scenes from the Trojan War and the Gigantomachy, the clash of the giants, and surrounded the whole building.The pediment depicted the contest between Apollo and Hercules for the tripod. Inside the museum you will be able to see parts of these decorative sculptures. Thank you for watching!
As seen on
Delphi: Echoes of Ancient Wisdom