The Throne Room
Head through the main gate. If you already bought your tickets online, head left so they can scan your ticket. If you still need to buy your tickets, head right and buy them at the ticket line before making your way to the scanner. All scanned? Great. Enter the museum shop and head to the right. Walk straight on and you’ll find a room with no name – there are some beautiful paintings on the wall, and a very magnificent chandelier! Keep walking straight ahead and you’ll enter the Dona Maria Pavillion. Go through the smallest rooms (straight ahead), until you find a corridor with a mirror behind you and a mockup of the Queluz Palace on your right. Go through the doors ahead and you’ll find yourself in the Throne Room! Pause in the middle of the room, so you can take it all in. The ceiling has some wonderful paintings and sculptures.
As seen on
National Palace & Gardens of Queluz:The Highlights