A rose by any other name
Ambracian Gulf
Even though the town prospered as Karvasaras, in 1908 the community decided to adopt a new name. They opted for “Amfilochia” after the ancient city of Amfilochiko Argos, founded by Amphilochus somewhere in the broader region. He was the son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle, and when he came home after the end of the Trojan War he was so disappointed with the conditions he found there that he decided to found a new city on the shores of the Ambracian Gulf. At the time of the name change, the port of Amfilochia was busy and prosperous, with numerous connections to national and international (Venice) destinations. The town itself was famous for its tsarouchi shoes, its dairy products, and the abundant timber it exported.
As seen on
Amfilochia: the bride of the sea