Ali Pasha’s palace
The castle of Bouka
In the early 19th century, Ali Pasha of Ioannina decided to built a grand saray on the land formerly occupied by the castle of Bouka. The site offered magnificent views and there was abundant building material available. Ali added a new trench, that isolated his residence from the town of Preveza, and a redoubt on the seaward side. In 1820, Selim, his son, burned down the saray to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Ottoman forces, that were trying to arrest his father. Before the flames consumed the building, he secretly carried his treasure to the island of Lefkas, where treasure hunters spent the next 150 years looking for it in vain. Today the site of the castle is overrun by eucalyptus trees and grasses, with the occasional ruin lying here and there.
As seen on
The castles of Preveza