The lost art
Pocket theater
By now I was fairly drunk and the suffering of the Ambraciots was putting a smile on my face. But then the story took a dark turn in more ways than one. Apparently the Romans did not destroy the city because the Ambraciots agreed to surrender. But then the Roman consul M. Fulvius proceeded to plunder the works of art that adorned the former capital of Pyrrhus. The tavern-keeper was confident that more than 1,000 bronze and marble statues were taken to Rome, including a famous group representing the nine Muses and Herakles from the theater. Despite my odious patron, Ambracia was the homeland of many servants of Dionysus, including the famous tragedian Hippasos and the comedian Damotimos, and should not have suffered such a terrible fate.
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The ancient theaters of Epirus
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