The Trojan horse
Τhe Statue of Athena Promachos
To the right of the Parthenon as you see it from the Propylaea stood the sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia. This was a precinct without a temple but it boasted a bronze statue of Artemis by Praxiteles, as well as offerings to the goddess (especially women’s robes, since Artemis was the patron goddess of expectant mothers). There was also a huge bronze rendering of the Trojan Horse with life-size Greek heroes peeking out of it. Only a few steps carved on the rock remain of this sanctuary. To its right stood the Chalkotheke (Bronze store), a simple structure that was contemporary with the Parthenon. It was used to store bronze dedications (especially weapons, shields, and statues of Nike or owls, the sacred bird of Athena).
As seen on
Acropolis Classic
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