Get well soon, we need to hang you
N.Panagiotou square (Koumpoura)
Nikolaos Panagiotou, whose bust stands in the middle of the square, was the son of a tobacco worker. At the height of the struggle for Macedonia between the Greeks and the Bulgarians, he left his native Agrinio and joined the guerilla group of Captain Mitrousis in Serres, a region northeast of Thessaloniki. On 14 July 1907, he was part of a group of five men who found themselves surrounded by the Turkish army in a church in the town of Serres. The Greeks fought valiantly for hours but eventually, two were killed by enemy fire, Captain Mitrousis committed suicide and Panagiotou (along with another Greek) was wounded and captured. They were imprisoned and interrogated for months, while their wounds healed. And then they were hanged on December 3rd.
As seen on
Agrinio: the kingdom of tobacco