300 grams of bread
Papastrateio Municipal Park
In 1926 workers were determined to benefit from the booming tobacco exports and demanded a wage increase. When discussions failed, they went on strike. After eight days, their Union requested permission for a downtown rally but the authorities granted them the park area, well outside the city limits at the time. On 8 August, more than 8000 workers gathered in the park carrying black flags printed with their demand: 300 grams of bread or a year-long strike. The rally was peaceful, but when the workers attempted to return home, they clashed with the police, who fired into the crowd, killing a boy and a pregnant mother of two. The strike continued for another 32 days and resulted in a 10-13% wage increase. A monument in the park commemorates the victims of that day.
As seen on
Agrinio: the kingdom of tobacco