A mother’s touch
Aphrodite's temple
It was Homer who gave parents to Aphrodite. During the Trojan War, Aphrodite intervened to protect Aeneas, her mortal son, from the wrath of Diomedes, the king of Argos. The Greek hero thrust his spear against her, wounding her hand. Ichor, the immortal blood started flowing and Aphrodite, in great pain, asked for the horses of Ares to get back to Mount Olympus. She must have been in a state of profound shock at the audacity of this mortal man! She flung herself upon the knees of her mother Dione. She clasped her daughter in her arms and tried to sooth her by reminding her of all the suffering gods had to endure at the hands of mortals. Then Dione wiped the ichor from the arm and the pain subsided.
As seen on
Dodona: in the shade of the sacred oak tree