A city of excellence
Castle of Ioannina | A tale of one city
Since the Byzantine period Ioannina excelled in industry and trade; as they grew more prosperous, they were able to support a vibrant cultural life, both at home and abroad. Three natives of Ioannina founded three historic printing presses in Venice; Nikolaos Glykis (1670), Nikolaos Saros (1681), and Demetrios Theodosios (1755). Many of the latter’s 400 publications were sold in the two bookstores of Ioannina. During the 17th and 18th century four important schools were established in the city: the Maroutsios, the Kaplanios, the Balanios, and the Zosimaia. It is no coincidence that one of the founding member of the Society of Friends, the secret organization that laid the foundation for the Greek War of Independence, was born here. He was Athanasios Tsakalov, a fur trader. Even Ali Pasha gathered men of letters of all nationalities in his court and favoured the growth of the arts and letters.
As seen on
Tzoumerka: the pristine villages