Friendships with the locals
Kalogria beach
When Kazantzakis' friends arrived, the literary nights followed one another. During the day, Kazantzakis and Sikelianos took long walks and they talked or tried to pick up new words from the locals. Kazantzakis was characterized as outlandish since he delayed coming into contact with the locals and did not often go to Prastova. He became close with some, such as Elpidoforos Chiureas and the mayor, Kostas Patriarcheas. They say he was lonely, but polite and nice. Once, he walked up to Mystras in the company of a local, but when he came back he stayed in bed for three days. On the contrary, Sikelianos was open-hearted and chatted with everyone. He went to the mine only once, since he was interested in other things. He enjoyed the sea and the sun and spent his time reciting.
As seen on
Kazantzakis and the real Zorbas in Mani