Hospitality request
Kazantzakis' little house
N. Kazantzakis wanted to offer Sikelianios the best possible hospitality. What follows is an excerpt from a letter of Kazantzakis to G. Zorbas, asking for a place to stay, as Sikelianos would be staying in his hut:
"My dear Zorbas, I arrive on Saturday with my best friend. I will be letting him stay in my little house (shack) all by himself. It would be best for me, if I could rent the Exarchouleas house in Prince for three months. All three months will be prepaid, eight to ten drachma per month, have them whitewash it so that I can move in. Otherwise, a room in your house will do for a while."
Zorbas and his family lived a few meters further, at Exarchouleas' two-story house, which no longer stands. It was a large house and Zorbas was renting part of it to house his children.
As seen on
Kazantzakis and the real Zorbas in Mani