Beware of the Ides of March
The Temple of Caesar
Julius Caesar is probably the most famous Roman one can think of today. His life as much as the plot that led to his death have gone down in history. Frightened by his rising power, a group of Roman senators decided to assassinate him to stop him from taking over the State. Among the conspirators was a man very fond to Caesar, his close friend and collaborator Brutus. It is believed that the day of the famous assassination, which took place on the ides of March, Caesar, upon recognizing Brutus among his murderers, pulled his toga over his head and accepted his fate, his last words being “You too, Brutus?”. He received 23 stabs and after the murder his body was transported into the Forum so that the people could pay their respects to the great Roman general.
As seen on
The Roman Forum: the beating heart of the Empire