A small Parthenon
The Parthenon Installation
The Parthenon Gallery occupies the sun-drenched top floor of the museum and serves as an extension of the Parthenon itself. The temple is visible from the interior of the museum, an innovative perspective enhanced by the fact that the floor sits askew on the lower levels to achieve the same orientation as the Parthenon. It also has the same dimensions, while the spacing of the 48 columns corresponds to the spacing of the marble columns on the ancient temple. The architects placed the frieze and the pediment sculptures at eye level for the comfort of the visitors. The metopes are displayed on the columns but at a lower height than the original. Plaster copies enable the visitors to differentiate between the original sculptures still in Athens, and those taken to the British Museum in the 19th century.
As seen on
Acropolis Museum: the treasures of Athena