Dividing the world
Portrait of Alexander the Great
The only artist authorized to make the image of Alexander the Great was the sculptor Lysippos of Sikyon. According to Plutarch, Lysippos was able to capture the distinctive features of Alexander, namely the poise of the neck turned slightly to the left and the “melting glance of the eyes”. Alexander used to gaze towards the sky as if he was challenging Zeus himself for dominion of the cosmos. The Macedonian king seemed to call upon Zeus to keep Mount Olympus, while he exercised control over the earth. Unfortunately, no original portrait of Alexander by Lysippos has survived; this one is considered a work of the sculptor Leochares and depicts Alexander with relatively short hair, unlike the heroic long mane that defines the copies of Lysippos’ portrait.
As seen on
Acropolis Museum: the treasures of Athena