The “Frieze”
The Centauromachy Metope
This specific exhibit is a copy of a metope of the frieze with Centauromachy representations. Unfortunately, the 23 original plates of the temple frieze are now in the British Museum as, in 1810, a group of English travelers persuaded the locals to help remove the marble plates, as well as sculptures and pediments of the frieze from the temple of Apollo Epicurius. As a matter of fact, the looting of the frieze sculptures was imprinted in an engraving of the era crafted by Cockerelli. The sculptures were eventually purchased by order of the English Prince George, to end up at the British Museum near the Parthenon marbles. In 1963, the British Museum donated plaster casts depicting the centauromachy and the amazonomachy to the Library of Andritsaina. The metopes of the Amazonomachy are on display over the staircase, as you go from the ground floor to the 1st floor.
As seen on
Historical Library of Andritsaina